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True story conference

The culture is speaking to you. Every. Single. Day. 


Gender identity. Sexual orientation. Pornography. Casual sex. Consumerism. Affluence. Substance abuse. Violence. Technology. Social media. Entertainment. Racial tension. Pluralism. Secularism. Atheism. 


Are you ready for these conversations? The typical Christian student in our typical Christian church is not. Rather than give in to despair and give up, the church needs to redouble her efforts in discipling the next generation. That’s why MAVEN exists and that’s why we created the TRUE STORY Conference. 


Our conference is designed to re-package and re-present the truth to media-saturated students who have been raised on screens and images. We’re wrapping God’s truth in culturally savvy ways and connecting that truth to real life.


MAVEN is youth-focused. We are passionate about young people. Youth. Students. Junior highers. High schoolers. College students. The next generation. 


Wikipedia defines maven as “a trusted expert in a particular field, who seeks to pass timely and relevant knowledge on to others in that field.” Our “field” is faith in the truth of Jesus Christ. So for us, a maven is one who knows the truth of Christ and seeks to pass it on to others. That's what we want to be for young people. That’s what we want students to become. That’s what we want to help parents, pastors and youth leaders become for their students. 


MAVEN exists to help the next generation know truth, pursue goodness and create beauty, all for the cause of Christ, and to equip those who teach and train them—parents, youth workers, pastors, and educators—to do the same.


We envision a new generation of Christ-followers who have been taken captive by God’s truth—who are able to articulate it, defend it and proclaim it—and whose lives are transformed by it. Their entire view of life is formed by the truth of Christ and they seek to live it out, in whatever God has called them to be. As artists, musicians, businessmen, and women, doctors, nurses, politicians, store clerks, lawyers, pastors, missionaries, entrepreneurs—in every vocation under the sun. We want to see Jesus reorient students’ hearts and minds to the true, good and beautiful, for His Kingdom and mission.

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